DreamsCom ‘22
Brand and communications
Brand and communications
The beloved Dreams games festival and Community showcase took a Summer turn for its third edition. Being a well established Dreams event, the team decided to try something new for it and created a fun gallery space in the shape of a greenhouse, and it was my challenge to adapt the DreamsCom brand to this new direction.
Based on a landscape piece made in Dreams by artist Emei Burell, I created a modular illustration for the key art that could be broken into sepparate pieces and expanded to accomodate support graphics and communications.
The logo stretches like a beam of colourful creative light, as seen in this program schedule and video thumbnail.
Based on a landscape piece made in Dreams by artist Emei Burell, I created a modular illustration for the key art that could be broken into sepparate pieces and expanded to accomodate support graphics and communications.
The logo stretches like a beam of colourful creative light, as seen in this program schedule and video thumbnail.

To expand the language of the DreamsCom, the brand team (composed by Harry Flanagan and myself) created a set of conmemorative stickers exploring the colour palette and celebrating the different creations and creators showcasing content at the event.

This year I had the chance to contribute to the space by collaborating with artist Emei Burell and game designer Guillaume Chevrier to accomodate the facade of the building and some of its styling to the brand. We bounced some sketches back and forth and settled on a mix of modernist and industrial styles with the characterful colours of the brand.
This year I had the chance to contribute to the space by collaborating with artist Emei Burell and game designer Guillaume Chevrier to accomodate the facade of the building and some of its styling to the brand. We bounced some sketches back and forth and settled on a mix of modernist and industrial styles with the characterful colours of the brand.

As it’s now tradition, we produced a new issue of The Impsider magazine themed around the DreamsCom 22 event. I could explore the common areas of the two brands and some of the concepts behind them, like the glitch language and the summer palette.
As it’s now tradition, we produced a new issue of The Impsider magazine themed around the DreamsCom 22 event. I could explore the common areas of the two brands and some of the concepts behind them, like the glitch language and the summer palette.

Thank you!
If you liked this event brand, check out the work I did for the third edition of the Impy Awards.
You can also visit the work I did last year for the DreamsCom ‘21 event.