The Moon before Collapse™
lllustration and graphic design
lllustration and graphic design
As part of the 2019 Famicase exhibition, I designed this imaginary videogame cartridge making use of a game concept by my friend Gonzalo Sallés.

Extinction is knocking at the door. Find your place in a hostile universe where the Queen is on the hunt for the last pair of each animal species. Explore the ways of light and shadow and take part in a war for nature’s most precious treasure: life.
The Moon before Collapse™
a Pasonegro® game
© 2019
The Moon before Collapse™
a Pasonegro® game
© 2019
In 2020, as part of the A game by its cover game jam, game developer Steven Gosseling decided to turn this cartridge into a real videogame. You can check out the result here.

Thank you!
Thank you!